Bound for Rome

I’m heading to Rome in a few days. Some folks are begging me not to go — they claim everytime I go overseas, some calamity befalls my city. But most are happy for me.

It is so hard to believe that it has been over a year since I was there. I guess I needed that much time to find my place back in New York. And, to process the three months I was away. Or, at least to lose those 20 pounds I gained eating pizza biancagelati and those fabulous pastries that looked like raviolis, but tasted more like a combination of pie dough cookies and cheesecake. Oh yeah — and how could I forget the ciambelle!!!! 

I haven’t even updated Ruling Woman Dot Com since the week I returned at the end of 2001. When I go back online and revisit those three months in Rome, interestingly, I see how much of the time when I was there that I spent fretting that my stay was about to end.

This is a good time to go to Europe. I really want, even need, to speak with my friends — those cittadini al mondo— the men and women I grew to know and love during my stay there. I have a feeling there is so much more to know about the European point-of-view than we are hearing over here in the States.

New York City is a little strange right now. There is a heightened sense of fear. Or, the media — of which I am part — is trumping up a Sense of Fear. There are enough cynics to believe that this so-called “increased chatter” on the part of terrorists is all too conveniently close to the drumbeats of war coming out of the White House. Of course, I am not cynical enough to think that it’s being MADE UP by the warheads in that administration.

Ah, who knows. That’s why this is such a great time to head off to the land of il destino.







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