Tag: Berlin

  • Time for Reflection

    Time for Reflection

    I have always regarded travel as a chance to learn about myself by seeing the reflection of who I am through the eyes of strangers. So, for me this has been a time of self-awareness. And, also a time to see what it means to be an American at this particular moment of history. I…

  • World Cups and Stuff

    World Cups and Stuff

      The image of this naked Don Juan was all over Berlin. I am pretty sure it is for the opera. But how cool is it that commuters are seemingly unphased by imagery like this.  It is likely universal that provocative subway ads invite, how you say, “rider enhancements.” Thus, we see Don’s brassiere, or…

  • We are the World (Cup)

    World Cup madness has hit Germany – and I guess, considering the name of the competition: the entire world. Everyone is certainly buzzing about it here. Soccer isn’t such an obsession in America — though I hear it is catching on. Not sure I even want to be around when Germany plays its first game…

  • Window or Aisle Seat?

    This is how a German political correspondent from ZDF described U.S. television.  After pointing out the alarming dearth of print news outlets — many parts of your county have only one regional newspaper — (which, alas, is true) — he allowed as how our audiences have two choices: MSNBC and Fox. Or, as he rather…

  • Red Wine & Fiesta

    Red Wine & Fiesta

    Long full day with many observations. But, frankly no time to write about it because World Cup madness has begun in Germany.  So, just a couple of things. One expert today, a leading German journalist, talked about the difference in the economic policies in the Eurozone between Northern Europe and Southern Europe. Some extol the…

  • From Prison to Freedom

    From Prison to Freedom

    Dizzying day in Berlin as we went from the former Stasi prison to Berlin’s City Hall to the largest remnant of the Berlin Wall that remains. It really was from prison to freedom.  We spent several hours on the morning of our second day at the oppressive Hohenschönhausen Memorial. It was at a location that was once…

  • New Kitchen! Sure

    New Kitchen! Sure

    Our first full day of activities found us in the “old” part of the Reistag building – the German parliament building – that has seen so much history in this city and in this country that I will send you to Google to find its history. Some observations — above a picture from the back…

  • The Adventure Begins

    The Adventure Begins

    Busy schedule for us 13 American journalists in Berlin. We met this morning over breakfast and learned a little bit about one another. It is a very diverse group: nationality, racially, age, workplace. We have television producers, a couple of anchors from big and small markets. Lots of public radio folk, from DC and the…

  • Ambivalence

    There is no getting around the fact that Berlin evokes feelings of ambivalence — you can’t ignore (nor do they) its history.  Case in point, my hotel is very close to a site called the “Topography of Terror.” It was a place where prisoners were taken, the headquarters of the Gestapo. It was mostly destroyed…

  • A Leg Up

    Hopefully, this will be my last mention of the “suitcase” — packing was made to be a big deal for us participants of the RIAS journalist exchange. And as I have mentioned – I’m a casual (at best) packer.  I found myself comparing luggage on my flight to Berlin from America. Is his bigger than…