Day: October 7, 2001

  • Week Six 2001: Ballare sul Tavola

    Week Six 2001: Ballare sul Tavola

    BALLARE SUL TAVOLO (Dancing on the Table) Starting Week Six, the U.S. started bombing. I realized that Bin Laden is really fighting his war with words of terror, not airplanes.  I decided that I would not let him win by making me afraid. So, I went dancing. One of my best friends in Rome is a…

  • Sempre Diritto: Week 5

    Sempre Diritto: Week 5

    Loosely translated: straight ahead. In my fifth week in Italy, 2001, I traveled to the village of Serra Pedace in Calabria, in search of my roots. My grandparents emigrated almost 100 years ago. Although they did not meet and marry until they arrived in America, they came from the same small town in Italy–Serra Pedace. For…