meanderings, wonderment, and observations

  • The Pilgrimage Itself

    The Pilgrimage Itself

    On Day One – our priest guides tell us: “God will find you where you are.” We were urged to be gentle with ourselves, temper expectations, don’t burden yourself with “shoulds” and “musts.” “If you don’t feel like climbing those stairs, don’t.” God will find you where you are. Much to process. Much to contemplate.…

  • A Prayerful Lead-Up

    COVID may not be over but this girl is hitting the road again. I am just days away from a first in my life: a Pilgrimage. I will be traveling with dozens of Catholic men and women, led by the very best that America Magazine has to offer. We will be walking in the steps…

  • Long Time, No …

    Long Time, No …

    Well, well. Where have you been? Apparently, my hapless website is suffering from languishing like the rest of us in this loathsome pandemic.

  • Tour of the Orient Express

    Tour of the Orient Express

    Second day on the VSOE. The Venice Simplon-Orient-Express is its formal name. I am going to give you a tour of my luxurious home.

  • Vlad the Curious

    Vlad the Curious

    Second day – Romania. This six-day voyage on the Orient Express is really three nights on the train. And a couple of days on the ground. For showering, refueling, and such. The train has no showers – so “modern” conveniences are built into the trip. Five-star, mind you. Our first such break is in Bucharest.…

  • Orient Express: The Journey Begins

    Orient Express: The Journey Begins

    Day One Aboard the Orient Express In a way – I’m kinda glad that the beginning of my journey from my fancy-pants hotel in Istanbul to the train station was – well – kinda dicey. It was Turkish Independence Day so families were out in force, no work just play and the cranky taksi driver…

  • Istanbul: The Start of My Journey

    Istanbul: The Start of My Journey

    Two Nights at the Pera Palace Hotel in Istanbul. It can be overwhelming to consider who has walked the halls of this historic hotel in the Beyoglu neighborhood of Istanbul. I immediately searched out the “Agatha Christie” room. She apparently preferred Room 411. I have imagined that her room was similar to mine because I…

  • Kindness, Part Two

    Kindness, Part Two

    I spent my second to last day in Vienna — of this trip anyway — visiting the summer place of the Habsburg clan: the Schönbrunn Palace. Marie Antoinette spent her summers there, Mozart played a concert at the palace when he was 6 years old. The Google will fill you in – but wait: my…

  • Vienna: In the Park

    Vienna: In the Park

    All summer, Vienna holds a free Film Festival in the Park behind its city hall (“Rathaus”). Dozens of food stands snake around the park – in the center high, and low, tables where people eat their dinners. On plates with real silverware. And beverages in glasses. Filmgoers leave their dishes and cutlery when they’re done.…

  • The Kindness of Strangers

    The Kindness of Strangers

    Day Two in Vienna, 2019. The kindness and sheer delight of strangers is becoming a theme on this trip to Europe. It started with my flight overseas. Even though it took me 8 hours longer to get here than scheduled – the voyage was good. Bad weather was the culprit. T’storms forced a series of…

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